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Indonesia Year End Race 2023

The annual Indonesia Year End Race 2023 was held at East RC Speedway last week, attracted a total of 88 racers from Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand joined in. This year’s event were fully supported by DafaNews as the main sponsor. All drivers welcomed by the very hot weather during the race week, made it much tricky for each one to find the best tuned for their car.

The event support the primary Expert Modified Class, Expert GT Class, GT Class and Touring Blinky Class. The Dafanews team had its own representative racers driving in each class. It was Dafanews’ Bowie Ginting started in 2nd for qualifying just behind the IFMAR World Championship finalist Nicholas Lee from Singapore. Dafanews’ Vince Cristiano did well at Expert GT Class, rounded up 4th place for the main final.

It was a major mayhem as the weather reached its highest at the entire week for the main final. The sun rises as Dafanews racers shines too. Bowie succesfully made up into 1st place for both main final, which handed him the overall champion title of expert modified class. A little rushy start might affected Vincente at Expert GT Main Final, but he’s did the job well to end up around Top 10 overall.

It was a very impressive experience coming from all participants, many positive feedback throughout this very first Dafanews team organized race. The crowd were able to having a cherious ambience seeing the top level asian racers battled it out.


Ditulis oleh: DafaNews

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